
my personal micro-blog

2025/02/03 15:35

(Yes, I’m still not dead) Can I just say, that I truly appreciate when people/companies send you an e-mail about re-evaluating your subscription to their mailing list? Thank you, yes I haven’t been reading your e-mails, I probably can just unsubscribe and save storage and compute on both ends!

2024/12/29 11:59

Finished reading High Conflict by Amanda Ripley. It was a very eye-opening read, one that I believe everyone should go read in our polarized day and age. Seriously, find a copy and go read it!

2024/12/17 13:08

To prove that I’m alive, here’s a short one about an intent I aim to fulfill by working on my site.

2024/12/17 11:06

I’m still here, end of the year rush is getting the best of me though. I still have plans for my site and some things that I’ve started writing that need to be finished. I’ll try to get some writing done soon. In the meantime, I’ve managed to catch the library up to speed

2024/12/10 11:56

Dynamicland seems super intriguing! Still very early in looking into it, but the intro sure piqued my interest

2024/11/27 15:34

Added a library section to my site, so that I have a place to collect my thoughts on books I’ve read. It’s half-empty right now, but I’m slowly fixing that.

2024/11/26 15:37

File over app by stephango is a nice & short way of describing something I’ve been striving for in my recent projects. Make things last, make them portable. The app may pass, but the file can live on.

2024/11/26 08:06

Slowly making my way through my old notes, while collecting my thoughts on things I’m focusing on currently. Making sure that I don’t stop writing.

2024/11/26 08:00

Wrote a short one today, about messy gardens and why that’s fine. Why that’s something that you want, actually.

2024/11/22 19:30

Did you know that if you only follow cool and interesting people - and you never touch a “recommended” feed - that every post in your feed is very interesting and worth reading? Funny how that works…