
my personal micro-blog

2024/11/22 12:47

Had a little think about local-first computing & data worth keeping.

It… might have spiraled out a little.

2024/11/20 11:56

Collected my thoughts on better computing. I say nothing new there, just point at other people’s ideas that spoke to me and I try to follow.

Might be worth to take a look, see if I missed something!

2024/11/18 11:22

New post about embracing the mess! Extending on my initial post from yesterday, here I talk about why I choose to keep things messy!

Some might call this a slippy mindset, whatever floats your lily pad! 🐸

2024/11/17 23:27

Wrote my first post on the new site about why I actually decided to rewrite it. I hope to expand on the mentioned topics, like “better web” and “embracing the mess” in the coming days, so keep your eyes peeled!

2024/11/14 14:05

As I was reading about the two beat style by @todepond.com, I got reminded about the book Writing in Style by Lane Greene and how it talked about old and short words being best. Should re-read that one…

2024/11/13 19:23

Enthusiasm still high, messing around and making things, having a good time! The slippy mindset is a hit over here, despite it becoming an idea and dying because of it…

2024/11/13 15:56

So, a new version of both my web and microblog are out now! Made the web much simpler & leaner, so that I can start messing with it faster!

2024/11/12 10:27

Okay, so with motivation high, and some free time available, let’s start messing around with my personal web stuff to make it simpler, neater and slippy!

2024/09/24 16:01

There is something very reassuring about going to an event you used to go to regularly when you were younger, and find out that the vibe hasn’t changed. And while in some cases change would be welcome (nerdy gatekeeping, etc.), it’s nice to see that the atmosphere of a bunch of strangers celebrating their quirky hobbies is still there, stronger than ever. I didn’t realize how much I’ve missed it.

2024/08/13 15:52

Today’s PSA: Store your old phone passwords somewhere/Make regular backups of data on your phone.

I’ve realised today that the only copy of a certain file that I have access to is on a phone I stopped using 5 years ago & don’t remember the password to anymore!